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Finishes That Inspire Brilliance

Maximum brand impact comes from forming a long-lasting customer impression. Around the world, companies rely on Alumanate and Alumanate panels to amplify the visual impact of their brands. Offering long-term, cost-effective, consistent solutions for retail chains and their designers, these panels are durable, weather resistant, lightweight, flexible, and easy to fabricate and maintain. They’re available in a nearly limitless array of stock and custom finish options. And of crucial importance to any brand, Alumanate and Alumanate panels showcase consistent program colors from one location to the next.


Kynar 500 Finishes

Our paint system delivers flexibility that enables architects and designers to explore the most imaginative and eye-catching solutions to enhance the brand of retail image programs. These paint finishes are formulated for high UV resistance with the capability of bright vibrant colors, with high- or low-gloss levels. These features help reduce maintenance costs over the life of a brand image, making this an ideal paint finish for all retail applications. Custom colors can be mixed to ensure a precise color match for any retail program.


Fluoropolymer Finishes

High-performing, coil-coated FEVE finishes allow color matching at the highest uniformity and quality. Fluoropolymer technology provides excellent flexibility and film adhesion for forming, with superior resistance to humidity, impact, salt spray, pollution and abrasion. With a 25-year finish warranty, they’re considered the premier architectural coatings for

Printable Polyester Finishes

Alumanate digital polyester (PE) coatings use a lacquer system that is optimized for direct to substrate digital printing. The surface of Alumanate PE coated panels provides enhanced ink adhesion for UV-curing and solvent based inks. The combination of both the enhanced ink adhesion and the extreme flatness of the panel make it not only possible to be printed with very fine structures and lines but also allows for an increased printing speed. Alumanate PE is UV-resistant and can be used with temperatures up to 80 degrees centigrade. This provides two distinct advantages, first, UV lamps do not cause any distortion and second, the material can be used outside being resistant to any temperature changes.

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